Vicki Sullivan

"I am often inspired by people, nature and textiles. I have always been drawn to realist paintings, Old Masters and especially the 19th Century painters."



"As a tonal painter trained in Florence at the Angel Academy of Art and also in the Meldrum Method, {based originally on the method of Velazquez}, I use tonality to create form.

I enjoy using Chiarascuro as a way to bring drama to my work and I also employ many layers of paint to make my colours rich and glowing as if from the inside.

Living in Australia, where the light seems to be different to the rest of the world, I am surrounded by strong rich colours. I am influenced by the ocean, wildlife and a wide variety of coloured flowers and birds. This beautiful natural habitat reflects into my work in a subtle way."

CV for Australian Artist, Vicki Sullivan (ARC Living Master)

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