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Artist: Gillie and Marc
Artwork: Painting
Title: 'They Were Beach Lovers'
Medium: Impasto and Enamel on Canvas
The iconic style of Gillie and Marc’s Thick Texture Paintings provide the tangible dimensions of a sculpture with the convenient spatial simplicity of a painting. Multiple layers of impasto are mixed with the paint. With each piece, Gillie and Marc are sharing a part of their unique experience through choppy brushstrokes and captivating visuals that create a harmonious image that is more than just a painting.
Framing: None
Dimensions: H= 133cm x L= 133cm
Artists Statement:
Rabbitwoman and Dogman couldn’t wait for summer. It meant so many wonderful days lying in the sun, playing in the waves, and feeling the exfoliation of sand between their toes. Today was one of those gorgeous days, the perfect excuse to head to the beach. Jumping in their Mini convertible they looked as hot as the sun.
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